Monthly Archives: October 2014

Rioja and Napoleon Dynamite

We met our new awesome neighbours last night – inviting them over for a bottle of wine. Two hours and one lovely bottle of Rioja later, we felt like old friends.


Photo taken in front of my copper paella pan using my iPhone. In fact this entire post was done with my iPhone – including using the LCBO app to scan the barcode on the bottle and come up with this…


Also, the Montecillo is $2 off this month and is quite fruit forward for a Rioja, but you can still taste the dry, hot summer. We have another in the cellar [my basement floor – but cellar sounds better] so we may look for more new friends again soon. Or have our neighbours over again.

All this technology prompted me to start singing Lafawnduh’s song by Kip at the end of Napoleon Dynamite – If you’ve never seen the movie the follow Brother in Spain’s advice and don’t rent it – just go buy it!

Sure, the World Wide Web is great
But you, you make me ‘salvivate’

Yes, I love technology
But not as much as you, you see
But I still love technology
Always and forever


Pastafarian Lunacy and the NHL

I’ve had it with parody today and I’ve only been subjected to it once. You’ve seen the CTV newsclip about the guy from Vancouver who wants to wear a white pasta strainer on his head for his driver’s license photo? He claims his religious right as a Pastafarian – seriously, look it up.  As I understand it, Pastafarianism was created by atheists looking to get their own “religious rights” [now that’s actually a pretty good irony I think] so that the pastafarian may wear a pasta strainer on his head whenever he feels the pasta-god, or whatever those people are talking about, wants him too.

That’s whatever you were talking about. I’ve never heard such a shocking and brutal injustice I’ve cared so little about.

Time to get grounded back to earth and read and write about things that matter. Things like the Montreal Canadiens playing the Toronto Maple Leaves to open the books on the NHL season.

For my part a nice Cava from Friexenet Brut – the black bottle – celebrates the game nicely.  In Spain the locals consider this “Las cosas buenas” [the good stuff].  I also hear that it keeps the Pastafarians away. Come to think about it some of les Canadiens helmets look like pasta strainers.


Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut Cava
