Tag Archives: gamey

Frost Rail

Frost usually makes me mad at this time of year. The novelty of scraping off my car again is gone. Come on morning sun, stop making me do the work for you!

However, there is a rail of frost at the OX Guelph bar that is guaranteed to make even the most miserable winter hater happy. The frost rail system creates a crisp, dry layer of frost on the top of the bar. It looks a little like a curling rink – and it certainly makes more sense than curling. Besides being wickedly cool looking there are many other advantages …

  1. Keeps the last gulp of your pint cold
  2. A little ice rail all summer feels like you’re thumbing your nose at nature – and who doesn’t want in on that?
  3. You can also keep your Beaujolais, or Ontario Gamay, down to temperature by serving it in a flat bottom tumbler (clever girl – you know who you are)
  4. The ice rail bar is like one of the Seven Wonders so you can claim a “pilgrimage” to the bar at least once this summer

Ask your bartender to “brand” the ice rail for you – very cool OX guys, very cool.

